Hair transplant is a surgical technique wherein the patient’s own hair is used to create hairline and fill-in bald or balding areas.

A lot of people are going for a cheap hair transplant nowadays because it has less complications and it satisfies the needs of a patient in all possible ways.

The downside is that there can be scarring on the back of your head and sometimes a person may get an infection too.

Hair transplant is not as expensive as it may seem. The cost of hair transplant depends on the type, size and number of grafts. Hair transplant is an affordable procedure if you can afford a few thousand dollars for the treatment.

We all know that hair loss for men and women is a serious problem to deal with. And lots of people are still looking for affordable solutions to their hair loss woes. Some turn to surgery, others choose medications or even herbal remedies; there's no one right answer to this problem! Having said that, there are a few things you should know before stepping into the operating theatre:

The cost of hair implants could be Rs. 5 lakh, at times. The effectiveness will depend on the ability of your body to heal and grow new tissues.

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which patches of hair are removed from a different part of the head and implanted to an area with thinning or balding hair. A donor strip of scalp obtained from the top of the head is usually trimmed into small, round pieces and then sutured onto the balding area.

The cost for a cheap hair transplant varies depending on the type, quality and size of surgery required. For example, if you’re just looking for a few wisps here and there, that could cost as little as Rs. 30,000; but if you want to completely reshape your look, it could be upwards of Rs. 5 lakh.
