The article discusses the effects of wearing make up on the skin and how it can lead to acne and other skin problems.

We all know that make up is like a protective shield for your skin against the sun, pollution and many other harmful environmental factors. But did you know it can also trap dirt and grime? And that’s not all; here are 4 other reasons why you should stop wearing make-up:

1) You may be allergic to some ingredients like zinc oxide.

2) Make-up clogs pores and leads to acne breakouts.

3) Skipping your daily routine means skipping protection against UV rays, which is detrimental for your skin's health.

4) You might not be getting enough oxygen due to lack of circulation because of your layers of make up.

The use of cosmetics on the eyes, lips, nails, and skin is common, nowadays. There are many companies that produce cosmetic products that are supposed to enhance our looks. However, cosmetic products can often come with side effects for example dryness of the eye area or allergic reactions.

Moreover, cosmetics need to be applied properly in order to have an effect. They need to be applied in a certain way so they can achieve their desired goal and not cause damage to the skin.

Make up is a popular thing to wear for many reasons. Some people might wear it because they think that the color makes them look more attractive whereas others might wear it in order to hide a flaw in their skin. The effect of wearing make up on my skin has been studied in order to see if there are any negative impacts on my skin.

The outcome of the study found that when people wear makeup, they increase their chance of contracting a bacteria infection which can cause acne breakouts and other types of skin infections. In addition, it has been shown that increased levels of sebum production may also be caused by wearing makeup.
